Puttygen how to?

My photo website’s excellent software Gallery had gone end of life with no support. I used the opportunity to explore new photo gallery software, Koken, and move from shared hosting to my first VPS – Virtual Private Server. VPS is like going from renter to home owner, the good news is you own it all & the bad news when something breaks is…. you own it all! I chose Digital Ocean for it’s popularity, reviews, pay as you consume pricing (you can turn a test site on and off) and excellent tutorials which facilitated this project. Big Bonus moving to VPS – with shared hosting my sites would go offline 2-10 minutes quite often for who knows what. After moving to VPS I’ve had no downtime, no one else contending for resources and services – nice!

Steps to get this rolling!

  • Setup and connect to your droplet at Digital Ocean
  • Install and configure Ubuntu
  • Install and configure Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin
  • Install Koken (if you fancy…)
  • Tools you will need (Windows OS)

  • PuttyGen – create authentication keys for SSH
  • Setup your Digital Ocean Droplet

    Connect and setup your server – 3 doc set from Digital Ocean

    Install LAMP – Linux, Apache web server, MySQL Database, PHP server side scripting language

    Install phpMyAdmin to create and manage Databases (optional – GUI Database Manager)

  • Security – in addition to htaccess steps I change the default access point:
  • Edit line three and change the alias in phpmyadmin.conf
  • sudo nano /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/phpmyadmin.conf
    # Alias /phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpMyAdmin
    Alias /whateveryouwant /usr/share/phpMyAdmin
  • Restart Apache – sudo service apache2 restart
  • Access phpMyAdmin -
  • Create SSL Certificate for secure https transactions

  • How To Create a SSL Certificate on Apache for Ubuntu 12.04
  • This is a self signed certificate which is only good for development or protecting and admin area.
  • Puttygen rsa 4096

    Puttygen online

    Puttygen tool

    Puttygen how to use?

    Puttygen download