Puttygen how to generate SSH key?

An SSH Key allows you to log into your server without needing a password. SSH Keys can be automatically added to servers during the installation process.

Creating a SSH key on Windows

  • Download and run PuttyGen.
  • Click the "Generate" button.
  • For additional security, you can enter a key passphrase. This will be required to use the SSH key, and will prevent someone with access to your key file from using the key.
  • Once the key has been generated, click "Save Private Key". Make sure you save this somewhere safe, as it is not possible to recover this file if it gets lost
  • Select all of the text in the "Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file". This is what you would need to enter into the control panel to use the SSH key.
  • Creating a SSH key on Linux

    The tools to create and use SSH are standard, and should be present on most Linux distributions. With the following commands, you can generate ssh key.

  • Run: ssh-keygen -t rsa. For a more secure 4096-bit key, run: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
  • Press enter when asked where you want to save the key (this will use the default location).
  • Enter a passphrase for your key.
  • Run cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub - this will give you the key in the proper format to paste into the control panel.
  • Make sure you backup the ~/.ssh/id_rsa file. This cannot be recovered if it is lost.
  • Adding a SSH key to your control panel

  • Once you're logged in, go to .
  • Click "Add SSH Key".
  • Enter a descriptive name for the key.
  • Paste in your SSH public key. This is a long string beginning with "ssh-rsa". You should have saved this from when you generated your key.
  • Now, when you're deploying servers you will be able to select which SSH keys you want to add to the newly deployed server.
  • Limitations

  • SSH keys are only available for Linux and FreeBSD. They are not supported for Windows, custom ISOs, nor snapshot restores.
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