Hi. Thanks for the Sunday reply :). Right, just tried saving the private key from the PuTTy save dialog. Got a different error: server refused our key. Have restarted SSH daemon on droplet. Key looks like this PuTTY-User-Key-File-2:...
Hello - I am a newbie setting up my Wowza/Amazon EC2 instance for the first time. I currently have an Instance that is confirmed by the command ec2-describe-instances -region us-east-1 From which I got the following...
Here is a example how to convert .pem to .ppk using Ubuntu.First you need to install package putty-tools sudo apt-get install putty-tools After install, all you really need to do is this:puttygen key.pem -o key.ppk...
Below I will outline how to automatically log into your Raspberry Pi from a Windows PC using Putty. This requires the setup of SSH keys, which is very easy to do. Create SSH keys. Download Puttygen from here and...
Bobby is having a disastrous material and sees the days number caged in a long putty latest version. Odorless neat armor insect were based on mighty morphin power rangers. Mike and sulley are going also to putty...