Puttygen pem to PPK download

Yesterday, i am working on the project in which i need to access the server which is a AWS EC2 instance. Putty ppk file has been provided to me to connect it, but i need to access it on linux so i need to convert this ppk file into equivalent pem file. I tried many things, google it, but nothing is working. Although i was able to connect via Filezilla but from terminal i can`t. Finally, by Hit-n-Try method, i got the solution.
Here is a list of steps I followed to convert that PPK file into an equivalent PEM file that I could use access Ec2 instance on linux terminal via SSH –

  • Install the putty tools, if you don`t have on Linux: as-

sudo apt-get install putty-tools

  • Generate the pem file run the following command: as-
puttygen ppkkey.ppk -O private-openssh -o pemkey.pem
  • Place the pemkey.pem file in your ~/.ssh directory: as-
cp pemkey.pem ~/.ssh
  • Set the pem file to have the proper permissions: as-
chmod 400 pemkey.pemThat’s it
Now, we have a valid pem file that we can use to connect to our EC2 instances from Linux. Below is an example:

ssh -i pemkey.pem user@ec2-instancedotcomSimilarly, if we want to convert pem file to ppk, we can do it like this –

puttygen pemKey.pem -o ppkKey.ppk -O private #Flags: -o Tells it where to write out the converted putty private key -O private Tells it that you want a putty private key.That`s it !!!

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